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From our Journal and other sources (alphabetically by author)

Addas, Claude

The Experience and Doctrine of Love in Ibn Arabi

Expérience et doctrine de l’amour chez Ibn Arabi (French)

The Ship of Stone

Le vaisseau de pierre (French)

Abu Madyan and Ibn Arabi

The Paradox of the Duty of Perfection in the doctrine of Ibn ‘Arabi

The Muhammadian House – Ibn Arabi’s Concept of ahl al-bayt

“At the distance of two bows’ length or even closer” – The Figure of the Prophet in the Work of ‘Abdal Karim Jili | Part 1

“At the distance of two bows’ length or even closer” – The Figure of the Prophet in the Work of ‘Abdal Karim Jili | Part 2

Six Printed Editions of al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya – A Brief Survey | with Julian Cook

On Two Books Attributed to Ibn Arabi – Kitab al-mabadi wa l-ghayat li ma‘ani l-huruf and Kitab mahiyyat al-qalb | with Michel Chodkiewicz


Aladdin, Bakri

The Mystery of Destiny (sirr al-qadar) in Ibn Arabi and al-Qunawi

Oneness of Being (wahdat al-wujud) – The Term and the Doctrine


Algar, Hamid

Reflections of Ibn Arabi in Early Naqshbandi Tradition


Austin, Ralph

Aspects of Mystical Prayer in Ibn Arabi’s Thought

Image and Presence in the Thought of Ibn Arabi

The Lady Nizam – an Image of Love and Knowledge

On Knowing the Station of Love: Poems from the 78th Chapter of the Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Two Poems from the Diwan of Ibn ‘Arabi


Ballanfat, Paul

Reality and Image in the Tafsir of Kubra and Razi


Benaïssa, Omar

The Degrees of the Station of No station


Beneito, Pablo

On the Divine Love of Beauty (PDF)

The Presence of Superlative Compassion

La Presencia De La Compasión Superlativa (Spanish)

The Servant of the Loving One – On the Adoption of the Character Traits of al-Wadud

The Time of Deeds and the Time of Spiritual Knowledge

The Prayer of Blessing [upon the Light of Muhammad] by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Mahdawi | with Stephen Hirtenstein | Part 1, the Introduction

The Prayer of Blessing [upon the Light of Muhammad] by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Mahdawi | with Stephen Hirtenstein | Part 2, the Translation


Carroll, Jane

Timelessness and Time


Cass, Aaron

The Ransom and the Ruin


Ceballos, Carlos Berbil

Journeying from the Apparent to Absolute Being – Ibn Sab‘in and His Predecessors


Chittick, William

Ibn Arabi’s own Summary of the Fusus (PDF)

The Chapter Headings of the Fusus (PDF)

Two Chapters from the Futuhat (PDF)

The Last Will and Testament of Sadr al-Din Qunawi – Translation

The Central Point – Qunawi’s Role in the School of Ibn Arabi

Jami on Divine Love and the Image of Wine

The Divine Roots of Human Love

Presence with God

The Wisdom of Animals

Death and the Afterlife (PDF, Arabic)

The Anthropology of Compassion

The Religion of Love Revisited

Ibn Arabi: The Doorway to an Intellectual Tradition

Qunawi on the One Wujud

Commentary on a Hadith by Sadr al-Din Qunawi


Chodkiewicz, Michel

The Vision of God

The Endless Voyage

The Banner of Praise

The Diffusion of Ibn Arabi’s Doctrine

The Futuhat al-Makkiyya: Some Unresolved Enigmas

“We Will Show Them Our Signs…”

Mi‘raj al-kalima – From the Risala Qushayriyya to the Futuhat al-Makkiyya

On Two Books Attributed to Ibn Arabi – Kitab al-mabadi wa l-ghayat li ma‘ani l-huruf and Kitab mahiyyat al-qalb | with Claude Addas

The Paradox of the Ka‘ba


Clark, Jane

Establishing Ibn Arabi’s Heritage: First Findings from the MIAS Archiving Project | with Stephen Hirtenstein (PDF)

Early Best-sellers in the Akbarian Tradition (PDF)

Towards a Biography of Sadr al-din al-Qunawi

Fulfilling our Potential: Ibn Arabi’s Understanding of Man in a Contemporary Context

Universal Meanings in Ibn Arabi’s Fusus al-hikam: Some Comments on the Chapter of Moses

Some Notes on the Manuscript Veliyuddin 51 | with Denis McAuley

The Preface to the Tarjuman al-ashwaq (PDF)

Symbol and Creative Imagination | Event Report

Spiritual Realisation: Knowledge and Practice | Event Report


Coates, Peter

Ibn Arabi and Modern Thought


Cook, Julian

Six Printed Editions of al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya – A Brief Survey | with Claude Addas

The Great Dīwān and its offspring: The collection and dispersion of Ibn ‘Arabī’s poetry| with Stephen Hirtenstein


Cornell, Vincent

Practical Sufism – An Akbarian Foundation for a Liberal Theology of Difference


Dagli, Caner K.

The Time of Science and the Sufi Science of Time


Deladrière, Roger

The Diwan of Ibn Arabi


El-Moor, Jereer

The Occult Tradition of the Tarot in Tangency with Ibn Arabi’s Life and Teachings | Part I (PDF)

The Occult Tradition of the Tarot in Tangency with Ibn Arabi’s Life and Teachings | Part II (PDF)


Elmore, Gerald

Ibn Arabi’s “Book of the Fabulous Gryphon” (Anqa Mughrib)

Ibn Arabi’s Testament on the Mantle of Initiation (al-Khirqah) (PDF)

Four Texts of Ibn Arabi on the Creative Self-Manifestation of the Divine Names (PDF)

The Alchemical Marriage of Intellect and Soul

A Selection of Texts on the Theme of Praise from some Gnomic Works by Ibn Arabi


Ernst, Carl W.

The Man Without Attributes: Ibn Arabi’s Interpretation of Abu Yazid al-Bistami


Flaquer, Jaume

The Akbarian Jesus: The Paradigm of a Pilgrim in God

Der akbarische Jesus : Das Vorbild eines Reisenden in Gott (PDF, German)


Geoffroy, Éric

Spiritual Realization (al-tahqiq) through Daily Awakening


al-Ghitani, Gamal

Originality Under the Guardianship of Ibn Arabi


Gloton, Maurice

The Quranic Inspiration of Ibn Arabi’s Vocabulary of Love – Etymological Links and Doctrinal Development


Godlas, Alan

Molla Fanari and the Misbah al-Uns: The Commentator and the Perfect Man (PDF)


Gril, Denis

Love Letters to the Ka‘ba – A Presentation of Ibn Arabi’s Taj al-Rasa’il

The Kitab al-inbah of Abdallah Badr al-Habashi | Introduction

The Kitab al-inbah of Abdallah Badr al-Habashi | Translation

“There Is No Word in the World that Does Not Indicate His Praise”

«Il n’est de mot dans l’univers qui n’indique Sa louange» (French)

The Journey through the Circles of Inner Being According to Ibn Arabi’s Mawaqi alnujum

Adab and Revelation – One of the Foundations of the Hermeneutics of Ibn Arabi

Adab och uppenbarelse – eller en av grundvalarna för hermeneutiken hos Ibn Arabi (Swedish)

Commentaries on the Fatiha and Experience of the Being According to Ibn Arabi

The Enigma of the Shajara al-nu‘maniyya fi al-dawla al-‘Uthmaniyya, Attributed to Ibn Arabi

Hadith in the Work of Ibn Arabi: The Uninterrupted Chain of Prophecy

Ibn Arabi in Egypt – The Speech of Things

Jesus, Mary and the Book According to Ibn Arabi

The Quranic Figure of Pharaoh According to the Interpretation of Ibn Arabi


Hakim, Souad

Ibn Arabi’s Twofold Perception of Woman – Woman as Human Being and Cosmic Principle

The Way of Walaya

Unity of Being in Ibn Arabi – A Humanist Perspective

The Spirit and the Son of the Spirit: A Reading of Jesus (Isa) According to Ibn Arabi

The Paths to God: A Journey through the Spiritual Experience of Ibn Arabi and His Writings


Hämeen-Anttila, Jaakko

The Immutable Entities and Time


Harris, Rabia Terri

On Majesty and Beauty – The Kitab al-Jalal wa-l Jamal of Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi (PDF)


Hirtenstein, Stephen

The Image of Guidance – Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi as Hadith Commentator

Establishing Ibn Arabi’s Heritage: First Findings from the MIAS Archiving Project (PDF) | with Jane Clark

“I entrust to you a bequest” – Ibn Sawdakin | Translation

Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi: The Treasure of Compassion

Selected Major Works of Ibn Arabi

Seleção das maiores obras de Ibn Arabi (Portuguese)

De Volta a Deus (Ibn Arabi 1182–1184) – Capítulo 5 de O Compassivo Ilimitado (Portuguese)

Some Preliminary Notes on al-Diwan al-kabir

The Brotherhood of Milk – Perspectives of Knowledge in the Adamic Clay

“O Marvel!” – A Paradigm Shift towards Integration

The Mystic’s Ka‘ba – The Cubic Wisdom of the Heart According to Ibn Arabi

Physical Sustenance in Sufi Literature: A Case-study of a Treatise by  ‘Abd Allah al-Busnawi | with Hülya Küçük

Malatyan Soil, Akbarian Fruit: From Ibn Arabi to Nyazi Misri

The Prayer of Blessing [upon the Light of Muhammad] by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Mahdawi, Part 1, the Introduction | with Pablo Beneito

The Prayer of Blessing [upon the Light of Muhammad] by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Mahdawi, Part 2, the Translation | with Pablo Beneito

Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi’s al-Nusus | with Hülya Küçük

Names and Titles of Ibn [al-]‘Arabi

Kitâb al-fâna’ fi-l mushâhadah, by Ibn ‘Arabi | with Layla Shamash

The Great Dīwān and its offspring: The collection and dispersion of Ibn ‘Arabī’s poetry | with Julian Cook


Holbrook, Victoria Rowe

Ibn Arabi and Ottoman Dervish Traditions: The Melami Supra-Order | Part one

Ibn Arabi and Ottoman Dervish Traditions: The Melami Supra-Order | Part two


Houédard, Dom Sylvester

Notes on the More Than Human saying: “Unless you know yourself you cannot know God”


Jaffray, Angela

Watered with One Water – Ibn Arabi on the One and the Many

Unveiling from the Effects of the Voyages : An Introduction to the Kitâb al-isfâr ‘an natâ’ij al-asfâr


Jassemi, Bahram

The Dimensions of the Mystical Journey


Khan, Pasha M.

Nothing But Animals – The Hierarchy of Creatures in the Ringstones of Wisdom


Kakaie, Ghasem

Interreligious Dialogue: Ibn Arabi and Meister Eckhart


Knysh, Alexander

The Realms of Responsibility in Ibn Arabi’s al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya


Küçük, Hülya

Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi’s al-Nusus | with Stephen Hirtenstein

Physical Sustenance in Sufi Literature: A Case-study of a Treatise by  ‘Abd Allah al-Busnawi | with Stephen Hirtenstein


Langhi, Fatima Az-Zahra Ahmad

Ajami Mysteries of Sitt Ajam bint al-Nafis: A Feminine Hermeneutic of an Heiress of Ibn Arabi


López Anguita, Gracia

On the Inner Knowledge of Spirits Made of an Igneous Mixture: Chapter 9 of the Futuhat al-Makkiyya


Lory, Pierre

The Symbolism of Letters and Language in the Work of Ibn Arabi


Mangera, Huzayfa

Three Dimensions of the Ruh


McAuley, Denis

Some Notes on the Manuscript Veliyuddin 51 | with Jane Clark

“See Him in a tree, and see Him in a stone” – Ibn ‘Arabi’s ultra-monorhyme in comparative perspective


Morris, James

Introduction to The Meccan Revelations

Ibn Arabi’s “Short Course” on Love

How to Study the Futuhat: Ibn Arabi’s Own Advice

Hur Man Studerar Futuhat: Ibn Arabis Egna Råd (Swedish)

Ibn Arabi: Spiritual Practice and Other Translations – Overview of the ten following articles:

Some Dreams of Ibn Arabi (PDF)

Body of Light (PDF)

Introducing Ibn Arabi’s “Book of Spiritual Advice” (PDF)

“Book of the Quintessence of What is Indispensable for the Spiritual Seeker” (PDF)

Ibn Arabi on the Barzakh – Chapter 63 of the Futuhat (PDF)

The Spiritual Ascension: Ibn Arabi and the mi‘raj – Chapter 367 of the Futuhat (PDF)

The Mahdi and His Helpers – Chapter 366 of the Futuhat (PDF)

Ibn Arabi’s ‘Esotericism’: The Problem of Spiritual Authority (PDF)

Communication and Spiritual Pedagogy: Methods of Investigation (tahqiq) (PDF)

Rhetoric & Realisation in Ibn Arabi: How Can We Communicate Meanings Today? (PDF)

Spiritual Practice and Other Translations – all articles in one file (PDF)

Listening for God: Prayer and the Heart in the Futuhat | Part 1
Listening for God: Prayer and the Heart in the Futuhat | Part 2

Listening for God: Prayer and the Heart in the Futuhat | Part 3

Listening for God: Prayer and the Heart in the Futuhat | Part 4

Divine Calling, Human Response – Scripture and Realization in the Meccan Illuminations | Part 1

Divine Calling, Human Response – Scripture and Realization in the Meccan Illuminations | Part 2

Opening the Heart: Ibn Arabi on Suffering, Compassion and Atonement

Ibn Arabi and His Interpreters — Introduction:
Historical Contexts and Contemporary Perspectives (overview of 28 articles and reviews in this collection)

Ibn Arabi and His Interpreters — Grouping I:

Ibn Arabi; in the “Far West” (PDF)

Except His Face: The Political and Aesthetic Dimensions of Ibn Arabi’s Legacy (PDF)

Situating Islamic ‘Mysticism’ (PDF)

“Ibn Arabi and His Interpreters”, JAOS article 1986 (PDF) | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 || Part 1 (HTML)

Ibn Arabi and His Interpreters — Grouping II:
Influences in the Pre-Modern Islamic World (all the following 7 articles in one PDF)

Theophany or “Pantheism” – The Importance of Balyani’s Risalat al-Ahadiya

The Continuing Relevance of Qaysari’s Thought: Divine Imagination and the Foundation of Natural Spirituality

Review: La destinée de l’homme selon Avicenne: Le retour à Dieu (maad) et l’imagination by Jean Michot

Review: Kitab al-inbah ‘ala Tariq Allah de ‘Abdallah Badr al-Habashi

Review: La Risala de Safi al-Din ibn Abi l-Mansur ibn Zafir

Review: Manjhan, Madhumalati: An Indian Sufi Romance

Review: Mirror of the Intellect: Essays on Traditional Science and Sacred Art

Ibn Arabi and His Interpreters — Grouping III:
Later Muslim Critics and Polemics (all the following 4 articles in one PDF)

An Arab “Machiavelli”? – Rhetoric, Philosophy and Politics in Ibn Khaldun’s Critique of “Sufism”

Review: Islamic Mysticism Contested: Thirteen Centuries of Controversies and Polemics

Review: Ibn Arabi and the Later Islamic Tradition: The Making of a Polemical Image in Medieval Islam

Review: Theodicy in Islamic Thought: The Dispute over al-Ghazali’s “Best of All Possible Worlds”

Ibn Arabi and His Interpreters — Grouping IV:
Reviews of More Recent Works by and about Ibn Arabi (1985–2002)

Ibn Masarra: A Reconsideration of the Primary Sources (PDF)


Murata, Sachiko

The Unity of Being in Liu Chih’s “Islamic Neoconfucianism”

Women of Light in Sufism


Noer, Kautsar Azhari

The Encompassing Heart – Unified Vision for a Unified World


Notcutt, Martin

An Introduction to Ibn Arabi’s Mishkat al-anwar


Radtke, Berndt

A Forerunner of Ibn Arabi: Hakim Tirmidhi on Sainthood


Rauf, Bulent

Extract from the Fusus al-hikam

Concerning the Universality of Ibn Arabi

Union and Ibn Arabi

Wisdom and Wisdoms


Rundgren, Frithiof

On the Dignity of Man


Rustom, Mohammed

A Letter to Imam al-Razi

Ibn Arabi on Proximity and Distance – Chapters 260 and 261 of the Futuhat


Scattolin, Giuseppe

The Key Concepts of al-Farghani’s Commentary on Ibn al-Farid’s Sufi Poem “al-Ta’iyyat al-Kubra” (PDF)


Sells, Michael

Ibn Arabi’s Poem 18 (Qif bi l-Manazil) from the Translation of Desires

Ibn Arabi’s “Gentle Now, Doves of the Thornberry and Moringa Thicket” (ala ya hamamati l-arakati wa l-bani), Poem 11 from the Translation of Desires

Selections from Ibn Arabi’s Tarjuman al-ashwaq (Translation of Desires)


Shah-Kazemi, Reza

Jesus in the Quran: Selfhood and Compassion – An Akbari Perspective (Part 1)

Jesus in the Quran: Selfhood and Compassion – An Akbari Perspective (Part 2)


Tahrali, Mustafa

A General Outline of the Influence of Ibn Arabi on the Ottoman Era


Twinch, Cecilia

Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi: The Beauty of Oneness Witnessed in the Emptiness of the Heart

The Circle of Inclusion

Created for Compassion: Ibn Arabi’s Work on Dhu-l-Nun the Egyptian


Weismann, Itzchak

God and the Perfect Man in the Experience of ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza’iri


Winkel, Eric

Understanding, and Translating, the Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Ibn Arabi’s fiqh: Three Cases from the Futuhat

Time Is Not Real: Time in Ibn Arabi, and from Parmenides (and Heraclitus) to Julian Barbour


Yahya, Osman

Theophanies and Lights in the Thought of Ibn Arabi


Yiangou, Alison

There’s No Time Like the Present!


Young, Peter

Ibn Arabi: Towards a Universal Point of View

Working Together between God’s Two Hands


Yousef, Mohamed Haj

Ibn Arabi: the Treasury of Absolute Mercy