Join the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society

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Join the Society in the UK

Join the Society in the USA

Join in the UK and Worldwide


The Society is registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (No. 1179324).

This office administers membership everywhere except North and Central America.
If you live in the USA, Canada, Mexico or Central America, please go to the US membership page


About Membership

All the Society’s regular activities are funded by the subscriptions of its members. Major projects may be funded by donations.

Membership is annual, renewable each year on 21st March. You can join at any time during the year and will be entitled to all the benefits for that year, which include the following:

  • Copies of the two journals published in the year you join
  • Choice of format for your journals – printed or electronic
  • Option to choose a second format at a special price
  • Discounts for symposia, online courses and on some Society publications
  • Live online talks free to members
  • Special offers for new Members
  • Periodic news bulletins on conferences, courses, publications in many countries


Annual Subscription Rates in 2024

Fellow — Fellowship is a valued way of making an extra contribution to the Society. Annual subscription rate: £ 50.

Member — Membership of the Society. Annual subscription rate: £ 40.

Student Member — For students in full-time education (full-time student with ID). Annual subscription rate: £ 25.

If you are on a low income or unemployed, we may be able to offer a reduced subscription rate. Please write to the Secretary at



How to join the Society

To take up membership please use the UK and World Order Form.

For renewals, see Renewing Your Membership below.


Special Offer to New Members

If you join for the first time during 2024 we are pleased to offer you free copies of the Society’s selection of three back-issues of the printed Journal, or three back-issue e-journals. If you would like to take up this offer, please tick this option on the order form. There will be a charge for postage on the printed journals.

Note: If you live in the EU, please select the e-journal option for this offer. Although we can supply current Membership copies to the EU in print format, we cannot supply back issues. To be updated.


Renewing Your Membership for 2025

We will send you a renewal notice in early March.

If you live in the USA, Canada or Central America, please go to the US membership page.



Donations are very welcome at any time and are used to support different areas of the Society’s work.