Podcasts and Videos

Ibn ‘Arabi and the Geometry of Reality — Series 2

Online Talks, Summer 2020

The Structure of Two-Ness  35:42

Jane Clark

Jane Clark is a Senior Research Fellow of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society and has worked particularly on the Society’s Archiving Project as well as looking after the library.

She has been studying Ibn Arabi for more than forty years, and is engaged in teaching courses and lecturing on his thought both in the UK (including Oxford University and Temenos Academy) and abroad (including Egypt, Australia and the USA), and in research and translation of the Akbarian heritage. She has a particular interest in the correlation of Ibn Arabi’s thought with contemporary issues. She organises the MIAS Young Writers Award.

Jane Clark was a co-founder of The Journal of Consciousness Studies and is currently editor of the Beshara Magazine [/]. She has presented many courses as part of the program of the University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education. A list of the freely available resources created or selected by her as a tutor can be found here:

https://open.conted.ox.ac.uk/people/jane-clark [/]


Articles by Jane Clark

Establishing Ibn Arabis Heritage: First Findings from the MIAS Archiving Project | with Stephen Hirtenstein (PDF)

Early Best-sellers in the Akbarian Tradition (PDF)

Towards a Biography of Sadruddin al-Qunawi

Fulfilling our Potential: Ibn Arabi’s Understanding of Man in a Contemporary Context

Universal Meanings in Ibn Arabi’s Fusus al-hikam: Some Comments on the Chapter of Moses

Some Notes on the Manuscript Veliyuddin 51 | with Denis McAuley

The Preface to the Tarjuman al-ashwaq (PDF)

Symbol and Creative Imagination | Event Report

Spiritual Realisation: Knowledge and Practice | Event Report


Podcasts and Videos by Jane Clark

Ibn ‘Arabi Counsels His Own Soul: Guidance and Deception in the Ruh al-Quds

Narrative and Mystical Perception: the two prefaces to Ibn Arabi’s Tarjuman al-ashwaq

“He Governs the World through Itself” – Ibn Arabi on Spiritual Causation

Sadr al-din al-Qunawi and His Relationship with Jalal al-din Rumi

“As If You Saw Him”; Vision and Best Action (ihsan) in Ibn Arabi’s Thought

Introduction to the 2018 UK Symposium “The Alchemy of Love”

The Encircling Alighting Places of the Qur’an  39:16

Eric Winkel

At Haverford College (BA), then the University of Pennsylvania (MA), then the University of South Carolina (PhD), Eric Winkel undertook eclectic studies, mostly religion at first, focusing on spiritual matters, then later including political science, and numerous languages to enable study of religious and spiritual texts (Sanskrit, Greek, Coptic, Tamil, Arabic, others, besides French and German). His book “Mysteries of Purity, Ibn al-'Arabî's asrâr al-țahârah” (Notre Dame, 1995) was Chapter 68 of the Futuhat al-Makkiyya. While Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies in Malaysia, he explored how the concepts of the “new sciences” opened obscure and difficult passages of the Futuhat.

Having studied Ibn Arabi’s Futuhat al-Makkiyya for over twenty-five years, Eric Winkel is now in the midst of an eleven-year project to produce the first complete translation of this work. For more information see links below to The Futūḥāt Project


The Futūḥāt Project

About the Project

Futuhat Project News

Quotations from the Futuhat


Articles by Eric Winkel

Abu Madyan’s Child, Per Singular Momenta and the Skull Suture: Understanding Ibn Arabi’s Futuhat

Understanding, and Translating, the Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Ibn Arabi’s fiqh: Three Cases from the Futuhat

Time Is Not Real: Time in Ibn Arabi, and from Parmenides (and Heraclitus) to Julian Barbour


Podcasts by Eric Winkel

“One understands that a journey entails weariness and difficulty” – Circularity, Duality and Compassion in the Footstool

Abu Madyan’s Child, Per Singular Momenta and the Skull Suture: Understanding Ibn Arabi’s Futuhat

An Atlas of Love

“And among them, may Allah be pleased, are watermen”

The Symbolism of the Two Arcs: some reflections  33:15

Paolo Urizzi

Paolo UrizziPaolo Urizzi is the director of Perennia Verba, Italy






Videos by Paolo Urizzi

The Symbolism of the Two Arcs: some reflections