The MIAS Blog: News and Views about Ibn Arabi
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Michel Chodkiewicz 1929–2020

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Shaykh Mahmud Ghurab (1921–2021)
Bakri Aladdin writes to us, ‘It is with great sadness that the Syrian disciples and friends of Shaykh Mahmud Ghurab received the news of his death on 31st January 2021 in Cairo at the age of 99. He was a great Akbarian mystic, whose ten or so books brought the life and work of Ibn ‘Arabi within reach of a broad public in admiration of the Shaykh al-Akbar. May God keep his soul.’
Among his books we may particularly note his edition of Ibn ‘Arabi’s unfinished commentary on the Quran, originally entitled Ījāz al-bayān fī tarjumat al-Qurʾān (‘The Granting of Clarification in interpreting the Quran’), which was published in Damascus in 1410/1989 as Raḥma min al-Raḥmān (‘Mercy from the All-Compassionate One’); and his article in English in Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi: a Commemorative Volume (Shaftesbury, 1993) entitled ‘Muhyiddin Ibn al-ʿArabi amidst Religions and Schools of Thought’.