MIAS education: a journey across the ocean

Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4

“In each thing He has a sign”

An introduction to Ibn Arabi’s spiritual openings

Ocean Sailing Ship

Course length

10 weeks

Weekly study

90 minutes

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Course overview

This course is an introduction to the multi-layered meanings of Ibn Arabi’s spiritual openings. We will have the opportunity to explore a selection of passages from Ibn Arabi’s Meccan Openings.

Course learning aims & outcomes

1. Identify the multi-layered meanings of spiritual openings in Ibn Arabi’s work.

2. Develop a familiarity with Ibn Arabi’s key concepts.

3. Discuss the significance of the reader’s interpretation in achieving a better understanding of Ibn Arabi’s spiritual world.

Upon completion of this course, you can achieve any of the possible outcomes below:

Course learning aims


There are of course several ways of reading and interpreting Ibn Arabi’s texts. What we propose in this course is a hermeneutic model of interpretation. Drawing on the theory of Paul Ricœur, the hermeneutic model adopted in this course is based on two stages.

The first stage consists in explaining the textual meanings of Ibn Arabi’s spiritual openings.

The second stage consists in exploring the “world-propositions” that Ibn Arabi’s inner openings project into his readers (Ricoeur 1976: 87).

This approach places emphasis on the active and interpretive engagement between the world of the text, the reader’s world and Ibn Arabi’s spiritual world. 

Instructional strategies

This course combines lecture instructions with group discussions and individual readings. Instructional strategies include mini-lectures, textual analysis, guided individual reflection and discussion.