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In classifying the works of Ibn Arabi, we have followed the system initiated by Osman Yahya in his invaluable work Histoire et Classification de l’Oeuvre d’Ibn Arabi (Damascus 1964). In this, he listed 846 works, arranging them in alphabetical order and giving each of them a Repetoire Général number – abbreviated to RG. This has become the standard way of referring to Ibn Arabi’s works, and in the Library Catalogue it is the basis both for presenting the information, and for cross-referencing between texts and translations etc.
Catalogue of Printed Arabic Works
002. Al-‘Abâdila. Cairo 1994. Book.
013. R. al-Wujûdiya. Cairo nd. Pamphlet. The “Treatise on Being”. Classified by OY as R. fî-l-Ahadîya (RG 26).
013. R. al-Wujûdiya. Cairo nd. Book. The “Treatise on Being”. Classified by OY as R. fî-l-Ahadîya (RG 26).
026. K. al-Alif wa huwa kitâb al-ahadiyya. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948) which contains 29 short works. Based on a manuscript in the Ayasofia, No 376.
026. K. al-Alif wa huwa kitâb al-ahadiyya. Cairo 1954. Pamphlet. One of 5 works in one volume, ed. Matba al-Azhar.
026. K. al-Alif wa huwa kitâb al-ahadiyya. Cairo 1996. Book. One of 5 works in one volume.
026. K. al-Alif. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997) which contains 29 short works. Contents nearly the same as Rasâ’il Hyberadad 1948, but one or two differences, such as better (but not necessarily more accurate) type-setting.
028. Adâb al-murîd. Istanbul 1077 H. Pamphlet.
028. Adâb al-Murîd. Istanbul , 1310 H. Pamphlet.
030. K. ‘Anqâ Mughrib. Egypt 1954. Photocopy.
030. K. ‘Anqâ Mughrib. Egypt 1954. Pamphlet.
030. K. ‘Anqa’ mughrib. Cairo 1997. Book.
030. K. ‘Anqa’ mughrib. Cairo 1998. Book.
033. Al-Anwâr. Cairo nd. Pamphlet.
033. R. al-anwâr. Tehran 1416 H. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Tehran 1416 H.
033. R. al-Anwâr (K. al-Asrâr al-Khalwah). Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad, 1948).
033. R. al-Anwâr (K. al-Asrâr al-Khalwah). Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
034. ‘Aqidat fî al-tawhîd or ‘Aqîdat ahl al-Islâm. Egypt nd. Pamphlet.
039. Al-Arba’ûna sahîfa. Np nd. Photocopy. From the printed edition of the original Zahiriya ms.
064. K. Awrâd- al-‘usbû’. Np nd. Pamphlet. Copy upon which Wird (MIAS 1979) based.
064. Majmu’a al-ahzâb Ibn ‘Arabî. Istanbul (?) nd. Book. A collection of prayers by IA, including a rare printed version of the Wird.
064. Wird. London 1979. Book. Daily prayers, in Arabic with transliteration.
064. Wird. Oxford 1988. Book. Daily prayers, with transliteration.
064. Majmû’ salawât wa awrâd. Cairo 2000. Pamphlet. A collection of prayers by Ibn ‘Arabî, including the whole of the Wird (K. Awrâd al-‘usbû’).
067. K. Ayyâm al-sha’n. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad, 1948).
067. K. Ayyâm al-sha’n. Cairo 1954. Pamphlet. One of 5 works in one volume, ed. Matba’a al-Azhar.
067. K. Ayyâm al-sha’n. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
068. K. al-Azal. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad, 1948).
068. K. al-Azal. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
071. K. al-Bâ’. Cairo 1954. Pamphlet. One of 5 works in one volume, ed. Matba’a al-Azhar.
071. K. al-Bâ’a, plus others. Cairo 1954. Photocopy. Copy of P/11.
071. K. al-Bâ’a. Cairo 1996. Book. One of 5 works in one volume.
102. Diwân Ibn ‘Arabî. Cairo nd. Book.
102. Diwân Ibn ‘Arabî. Bulaq 1855. Book.
102. Diwân Ibn ‘Arabî. Bulaq 1855. Photocopy. Copy of the Bulaq edition, see P/12
104.1. Al-Durra al-Baida’. Cairo 1993. Pamphlet.
116. K. al-Dhakhâ’ir wa al-‘alâq. Cairo nd. Book.
116. 128. K. al-Dhakhâ’ir wa al-‘alâq / Al-amr al-muhkam al-matbût. Np nd. Photocopy. A copy of al-Dhakhâ’ir from Poem20, line 2, to the end, plus, from p 263, the whole of Al-amr al-muhkam al-matbût.
116. Dhakhâ’ir al a’lâq. Cairo 1968. Book.
116. Dhakhâ’ir al a’lâq. Cairo 1968. Photocopy. A photocopy of 1968 Cairo edition, see P/15.
116. K. al-Dhakhâ’ir wa-l-la’lâq. Cairo 1995. Book. Critical edition.
125. Al-Fanâ’ fî-mushâhada. Np nd. Photocopy.
125. K. Fanâ’ fî al-mushâhada. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad, 1948).
125. K. Fanâ’ fî al-mushâhada. Cairo 1996. Book. In Rasâ’il al-imâm Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabî, pp 1–25.
125. K. al-Fana’ fi-l-mushâhada. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
125. K. al-Fana’ fi-l-mushâhada plus others. Cairo 1997. Book. Several pamphlets bound together.
135. Al-Futûhâ t al-Makkîya, Vols 1–4. Beirut nd. Book.
135. Al-Futûhâ t al-Makkîya, Vol. 4. Cairo 1329 H. Book.
135. Al-Futûhâ t al-Makkîya. Vols 1–14. Cairo 1970. Book. Critical edition by Osman Yahya, incomplete; not even reaching the end of Book 2 in the Bulaq edition.
135. Al-Hadîyya al-Sanîyya. Np 1998. Book. A collection of poems from the first chapters of the Futûhât.
135. La Prière sur le Défunt dans l’Enseignment d’Ibn Arabi. Paris 2001. Book. On the prayers for the dead, based upon Chapter 69 of the Futûhât and including long extracts from it.
142. Fihris mu’allafât Muhîyiddîn Ibn ‘Arabî. Damascus 1954. Photocopy. Complete copy, verified by Korkis Awad.
150. Fusûs al-hikam. Beirut nd. Book. Critical Edition by Abu ‘Alâ ‘Afîfî.
150. Fusûs al-hikam, Vols 1–2. Istanbul 1290. Book.
150. Fusûs al-hikam. Np 1946. Photocopy. The chapter on Adam only.
168. K. al-Jalâl wa-l Jamâl. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad, 1948).
168. K. al-Jalâl wa-l Jamâl. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
169. K. al-Jalâla. Hyberadad-Deccan 1361. Photocopy. From the Rasail of Ibn ‘Arabi, 1st edition, in the Zahiriya.
169. K. al-Jalâla. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad, 1948).
169. K. al-Jalâla. Cairo 1954. Pamphlet. One of 5 works in one volume, ed. Matba’a al-Azhar.
169. Kalimat Allâh. Np 1986. Book.
169. K. al-Jalâla. Cairo 1996. Book. One of 5 works in one volume.
169. K. al-Jalâla. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
178. Al-Durrah al-bayda. Beirut 1923. Photocopy.
178. Al-Durra al-baidâ’. Cairo (?) 1923. Pamphlet. First edition.
182. Jawâb su’âl Ibn Sawdakîna. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad, 1948).
182. R. fî su’âl Isma’il b. Sawdakîn. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
194. R. al-Ghawthiyya. Tehran 1416. Book. In Risâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Tehran, 1416 H).
205. K. al-Hû. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad, 1948).
205. K. al-Hû. Cairo 1954. Pamphlet. One of 5 works in one volume, ed. Matba’a al-Azhar.
205. K. al-Ya’. Cairo 1954. Photocopy. From the Zahiriya collection of rare books.
205. K. al-Ya‘ (K. al-Hû). Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
217. Haqîqa al-haqâiq. Tehran 1416. Book. In Risâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Tehran 1416 H).
230. Mirât al-ma’anî. Np nd. Photocopy. From a book in the Zahiriya.
233. R. al-Hikam al-ilahiya. Np nd. Photocopy. From a collection by several authors, in the Zahiriya.
237. Hilyat al-‘Abdâl. Istanbul 1326. Pamphlet.
237. Hilyat al-Abdâl. Tehran 1416. Book. In Risâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Tehran 1416 H) which contains 10 short works.
237. Hilyat al-‘abdâl. Tehran 1416. Book. In Risâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Tehran 1416 H).
237. Hilyat al-‘Abdâl. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
237. Hilyat al-Abdâl. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
244. Tawajjuhât al-hurûf. Cairo nd. Pamphlet. Collection of prayers connected to letters. Contains five pages attributed to Ibn ‘Arabi, including Dawru al-‘Ala (Hizb al-Wiqayah, RG 244).
244. The Hizbu-l wiqâya. Oxford 1978. Pamphlet. Arabic Text and transliteration.
244. The Hizbu-l wiqâya. Oxford 1981. Book. Arabic Text and transliteration.
247. K. al- Hujub. Cairo 1907. Photocopy. Copied from a book in Biblioteca de la casa de chapiz.
255. Asrâr al-khalwa. Tehran 1416. Book. In Risâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Tehran 1416 H).
255. K. al-Khalwah al-mut laqa. Cairo 1987. Pamphlet.
269. Ijâza li-malik al-muzaffar. Paris 1979. Photocopy. From Quelques Figures et Thèmes de la Philosophie Islamique.
281. K. al I’lâm bi ishârât ahl al-ilhâm. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
281. K. al I’lâm bi ishârât ahl al-ilhâm. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
289. K.Inshâ’al-dawâ’îr. Leiden 1919. Book. In Kleinere Schriften des Ibn al-‘Arabî, ed. H. S. Nyberg.
289. La Production des Cercles. Paris 1996. Book. Critical edition by Paul Fenton and Maurice Gloton; Arabic text (from the Nyberg 1919 edition) & French translation of K.Inshâ’al-dawâ’îr.
289. K. Inshâ’ al-dawâ’ir. Damascus 2001. Book. May not be complete.
294. R. al-Intisar. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
294. R. al-Intisar. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
307. K. al-Isfâr ‘an natâ’ij al-asfâr. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
307. Le Dévoilement des Effets du Voyage. Paris 1994. Book. Critical edition by Denis Gril; Arabic text & French translation of K. al-Isfâr.
307. K. al-Isfâr ‘an natâ’ij al-asfâr. Cairo 1996. Book. In Rasâ’il al-imâm Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabî, pp 1–96.
307. K. al-Isfâr ‘an natâ’ij al-asfâr. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
307. K. al-Isfâr ‘an natâ’ij al-asfâr. Cairo 1997. Book. Several pamphlets bound together.
313. K. al-Isra. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad, 1948).
313. K. al-mi’râj or K. al-Isrâ ilâ al-maqâm al-asrâ. Beirut 1988. Book. Critical Edition, edited by Souad Hakim, based upon four mss.
313. K. al-Isra. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
315. Istilâhât al-sufiyya. Cairo nd. Pamphlet.
315. Istilâhât al-sufiyya. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
315. Istilâhat al-sufiyya. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
338. K. Kashf al-ma’nâ. Damscus (?) nd. Book. This seems to be a reproduction of the Arabic part of El secreto de los nombres de Dios, Murcia 1996, including the notes in Spanish!
338. El secreto de los nombres de Dios. Murcia 1996. Book. Arabic text and Spanish translation by Pablo Beneito of K. Kashf al-ma’nâ.
352. K. Kuhn mâ lâ budd li’l murîd minhu. Cairo 1967. Photocopy.
352. K. Kuhn fima la’ bud lil murîd minhu. Cairo 1967. Pamphlet.
352. K. Kuhn fima la’ bud lil murîd minhu. Cairo 1987. Pamphlet.
354. R. al-Kutub. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
354. R. al-Kutub. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
380. K. Madâdî al-Ghayât. Damascus 1970. Book. Second work, after Ruh al-Quds, in a pamphlet.
414. K. Maqâm al-Qurba. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
414. K. Maqâm al-Qurba. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
432. 684. 626. Las Contemplaciones de los Misterios. Murcia 1994. Book. Critical edition by Souad Hakim and Pablo Beneito of K. Mashâhid al-asrâr (RG 432) plus Risâla ilâ ashâb al-Shaykh al-Mahdawî (RG 626) which is the introduction, and the commentary Sharh Mashâhid al-asrâr (RG 684).
433. K. al-Masâ’il. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
433. K. al-Masâ’il. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
436. K. al-Wasâ’il al-sa’il. Np nd. Photocopy. A copy of the Arabic section of the book.
443. Mawâqi’ al-nujûm. Cairo 1907. Photocopy.
443. Mawâqi’ al-nujûm. Cairo 1960. Pamphlet.
443. Mawâqi’ al-nujûm. Np 1965. Pamphlet.
443. Mawâqi’ al-nujûm. Cairo 1996. Book. One of 5 works in one volume.
443. Mawâqi’ al-nujûm. Cairo 1997. Book.
443. Mawâqi’ al-Nujûm. Istanbul 1999. Book.
448. Al-maw’iza al-husna. Cairo 1987. Pamphlet.
462. R. Sirr al-hurûf. Np nd. Photocopy. Taken from a ms. in the Alexandria Municipal Library, No 3792, ff 183–189. Dated 1138 H.
462. R. Sirr al-hurûf. Np nd. Photocopy. Not known from which edition the copy has been made.
462. K. al-Mîm. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
462. K. al-Mîm wa-l Wâw al-Nûn. Hyberadad-Deccan 1948. Photocopy. Copied from the Rasail of Ibn Arabi.
462. K. al-Mîm wa al-waw wa al-nûn. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
462. Le Livre du Mîm, du Wâw et du Nûn. Beirut 2002. Book. A complete translation, with a parallel Arabic text taken from Shehit Ali 2813, written by Ayyûb b. Badr and read in front of Ibn Arabi.
480. Mishkât al-anwâr. Cairo 1369. Pamphlet. First edition. Probably the version used by Valsan in his French translation.
480. Mishkat al-anwar. Np 1927. Pamphlet. Probably Aleppo, and the version used by Valsan in his French translation.
480. La Niche des Lumières. Paris 1983. Book. Text and Translation by M. Valsan of K. Mishkât al-anwâr.
480. Mishkât al-anwâr. Cairo 1999. Pamphlet.
480. Mishkât al-Anwâr. Cairo 1999. Pamphlet.
493. Muhâdarat al-abrâr wa musâmarât al-akhyâr. Beirut nd. Book.
493. Muhâdarat al-abrâr, Vols 1–2. Cairo 1968. Book.
502. Munâjât al-rahmân bi âyât al-Qur’ân. Np 1924. Photocopy.
502. Munâjât al-rahmân bi âyât al-Qur’ân / Al-Nûr al-Asna. Cairo 1999. Pamphlet.
528. Naqsh al-Fusûs. Tehran 1416. Book. In Risâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Tehran 1416 H).
528. Naqsh al-fusûs. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
528. Naqsh al-fusûs. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
530. R. Nasab al-khirqa. Np 1987. Pamphlet. Second of two works in one pamphlet. See also RG 761.
530. Le Livre de la filiation spirituelle. Marrakesh 2000. Book. Arabic text and translation of K. Nasab al-Khirqa.
532. K. al-Nasâ’ih. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
565. K. al-Qasam al-ilâhi bi-l-ism al-rabbânî. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
565. K. al-Qasam al-ilâhi bi-l-ism al-rabbânî. Cairo 1994. Pamphlet. First Edition in this form. Text taken from Jama’at dâ’îra al-mârif al-osmaniya, Hyberdad-Deccan 1367 H.
565. K. al-Qasam al-ilâhi bi-l-ism al-rabbânî. Cairo 1994. Book. In Rasâ’il al-imâm Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabî, pp 1–49.
565. K. al-Qasam al-ilâhi bi-l-ism al-rabbânî. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
565. K. al-Qasam al-ilâhi bi-l-ism al-rabbânî. Cairo 1997. Book. Several pamphlets bound together.
565. K. al-Qasam al-ilâhi bi-l-ism al-rabbânî. Np 2000. Book. One of series produced by Dar al-Hâfiz in 2000/1.
571. Al-qawl al-nafîs fî taflîs Iblîs. NP nd. Book.
571. Taflîs Iblîs. Cairo 1996. Book. In Rasâ’il al-imâm Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabî, pp 1–45.
571. Al-qawl al-nafîs fî taflîs Iblîs. Cairo 1997. Book. Several pamphlets bound together.
581. Qur’at al-tuyûr. Np nd. Pamphlet.
585. K. al-Qut b wa-l-imâmain. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
585. K. al-Manzil al-Qutub wa maqâlahu and hâluhu. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
588. Radd al-Mutashâbiha ilâ al-Muhkama. Cairo nd. Pamphlet.
588. K. Radd ma’âni al-âyât. Beirut 1328. Photocopy.
588. K. Radd al-Mutashâhiha ilâ al-muhkamât. Cairo 1949. Photocopy.
602. Ma’rifat al-rijâl al-ghayb. Tehran 1416. Book. In Risâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Tehran 1416 H).
612. R. al-shaykh ila fakhr al-Razi. Cairo nd. Pamphlet. First of two works in one pamphlet, see also RG 817.
612. R. ilâ al-imâm al-Râzî. Tehran 1416. Book. In Risâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Tehran 1416 H).
612. R. al- Shaykh ilâ-l imâm al-Râzî. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
612. R. al-Shaykh ilâ-l imâm al-Râzî. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
639. K. Rûh al-quds. Damascus 1970. Book.
639. Ruh al-Quds. Cairo 1989. Pamphlet.
639. Muhâsiba al-nafs al-insânîyya. Np 2000. Book. The Ruh al-Quds. One of series produced by Dar al-Hâfiz in 2000/1.
642.2. K. al-Sâ’at al-khabar. Np nd. Photocopy. From a collection of Ibn Arabi’s writings in the Zahiriya.
642.2. Majmû’at sâ’at al-khabar. Np nd. Book. Seems to be extracts from Sâ’at al-habar with commentary.
642.2. Majmû’at sâ’at al-khabar. Cairo 1936. Pamphlet. Second edition, the original printed in 1338 H.
665. Al-Shajara al-nu’mâniyya. Cairo 1996. Pamphlet.
666. Shajarat al-kawn. Istanbul 1908. Photocopy.
666. Shajarat al-kawn. Cairo 1967. Pamphlet.
666. Secret’ul-kevn. Istanbul 1971. Book. Shajarat al-kawn plus two other works attibuted to Ibn Arabi; Üstün Insan (the perfect man) and Seytan’in Hikâyesi.
666. Shajarat al-kawn. Cairo, 1987. Pamphlet.
666 0. Shajarat al-kawn / Hikâya al-Iblîs. Cairo 1987. Pamphlet. Hikâya al-Iblîs is not classified.
668. K. al-Shâhid wa al-mushâhad. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
671. K. Shaqq al-jaib. Cairo 1325. Photocopy. Probably from Majmu’ al-rasâ’il al-ilâhiyya’ pages 52–84.
685. Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî: Sharh mubtadâ’ al-tufân wa risâ’il akhra. Abu Dhabi 1998. Book. 10, 12 or 13 short works taken from a ms. in the Museum of Iraq (Baghdâd 597), listed as an autograph, dated 635 H. According to Michel Chodkiewicz, they are all apocryphal.
710. Al-Suhuf al-nâmûsiyya. Cairo nd. Photocopy.
716. K. al-Tadbirat al-ilâhiya. Leiden 1919. Book. In Kleinere Schriften des Ibn al-‘Arabî, ed. H. S. Nyberg.
732. Tafsîr Ibn ‘Arabî, Vols 1 & 2. Beirut nd. Book. OY lists this in his classification of Ibn Arabi’s works based on one ms. but he and all other commentators agree that it is by al-Kashânî.
732. Ajâ’ib al-‘arafân fi tafsîr al-bayân. Cairo (?) 1999. Book. Extracts on Fatiha and The Cow from Tafsîr Ibn ‘Arabî. Based on ms in the Dar al-Kitab in Cairo.
736. Tâj al-rasâ’il wa minhaj al-wasâ’il. Cairo 1328. Photocopy.
736. K. Tâj al-rasâ’il. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
736. Latâ’if wa ishârât al-shaykh al-Akbar. Cairo (?) 1998. Pamphlet. Extracts from the Tâj al-Tarâjim, plus a prayer for the world.
737. K. Taj al-tarâjim. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
737. K. Taj al-tarâjim. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
737. Hikma al Sûfiyya (Tâj al-Tarâjim). Np 2000. Book.
738. K. al-Tajalliyât. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
738. Al-Tajalliyât al-Ilâhiyya, with Kashf al-Ghayât. Tehran 1988. Book. Critical Edition, with the anonymous commentary Kashf al-Ghâyât and Ibn Sawdakîn’s notes.
738. K. al-Tajalliyât. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
745. Tahdhîb al-akhlâq. Egypt (?) nd. Pamphlet.
745. Tahdîb al-akhlâq. Cairo 1986. Pamphlet. First edition.
748. Takhmîs qasîdat abî Madyan. Np nd. Photocopy.
761. Al-Tanazzulât al-layliyya. Np 1987. Pamphlet. First of two works in one pamphlet, see also RG 530.
762. Tanzzul al-amlak min âlam al-arwah ila âlam âl-aflâk. Cairo 1961. Photocopy. from Dar al-fikr al-Arabi. First edition.
762. K. al-Tanazzulât al-mawsilîya. Cairo 1986. Book. Reprint.
767. Tarjumân al-ashwâq. Beirut np. O. Book.
767. Tarjumân al-ashwâq. Beirut np. O. Book.
767. 116. The Tarjumân al-ashwâq. London 1911. Book. A critical edition edited and translated by R. A. Nicholson, plus a partial translation of Ibn Arabi’s own commentary, K. al-Dhakhâ’ir wa-l-la’lâq (RG 116).
772. Al-‘Ujâla. Cairo 1987. Pamphlet. Revised and annotated by the editor. The work is probably by al-Qûnawî.
782. Tuhfat al-safara ilâ hadrat al-barara. Np nd. Photocopy.
782. Tuhfat al-safara ilâ hadrat al-barara. Np nd. O. Photocopy.
802. ‘Uqlat al-mustawfiz. Leiden 1919. Book. In Kleinere Schriften des Ibn al-‘Arabî, ed. H. S. Nyberg.
806. R. fî usûl al-fiqh. Beirut 1324. Photocopy. Bound with risalat by other authors.
808. Al-Jawahir al-aqliah fi al-raha al-kubra. Qom, Iran, 1399. Pamphlet.
817. R. al-wasîya. Np nd. Pamphlet. Second of two works in one pamphlet, see also RG 612.
817. K. al-Wasâya. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
817. K. al-Wasâyya. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
818. Al-Wasâyâ. Beirut nd. Photocopy. Correlation with RG numbers provisional, as several (817–820) under this name.
820. K. al-Wasiya. Hyberadad-Deccan 1938. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn al-‘Arabî (Hyberadad 1948).
820. K. al-Wasiyya. Beirut 1997. Book. In Rasâ’il Ibn ‘Arabî (Beirut 1997).
833. R. al-Wujûdiya. Cairo nd. Pamphlet. Identification as RG 833 not certain; perhaps RG 62.
834. K. al-Yaqîn. Cairo 1996. Book. In Rasâ’il al-imâm Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabî, pp 1–51.
834. K. al-Yaqîn. Cairo 1996. Book. One of 5 works in one volume.
834. K. al-Yaqîn. Cairo 1997. Book. Several pamphlets bound together.