The Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society in North America

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About Membership in North America

The Society in the USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization – therefore your membership may be tax-deductible, depending on where you live.

Membership is annual, preferably renewed at the beginning of each year. Whatever date we receive your payment, we will consider it as payment for that calendar year and you will be entitled to all the benefits for that year, which includes the following…

  • Receive two copies of the Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi Society each year.
  • Choose your preferred delivery format for the Journal – printed or electronic.
  • Obtain discounts at Society symposia and events.
  • Get news of special offers and events worldwide.


North America Membership Options and Annual Subscription Rates

Fellow — Fellowship is a valued way of making an extra contribution to the Society.

  • Annual subscription rate with printed Journal (includes free e-Journal): $ 110.
  • Annual subscription rate with e-Journal (select PDF, Kindle/Mobi or ePub): $ 100.

Member — Core Membership of the Society.

  • Annual subscription rate with printed Journal (includes free e-Journal): $ 80.
  • Annual subscription rate with e-Journal (select PDF, Kindle/Mobi or ePub): $ 70.

Student Member — Students are valued at the Society. Please be prepared to demonstrate student status.

  • Annual subscription rate with e-Journal (select PDF, Kindle/Mobi or ePub): $ 45.


Payment Options

  • Pay your dues with PayPal for a one year membership. You do not need a PayPal account, only a credit card.
  • Pay by check if you prefer not to use PayPal. Make your check payable to “Ibn Arabi Society” and mail to Ibn ‘Arabi Society, 3056 Castro Valley Blvd., #19
    Castro Valley, CA 94546 USA .


North America – First-time Member Payment

First-time Member options
Select eJournal format


Renewing Your Membership to the Society in North America

Memberships are due by March 21 of the year. The Membership Coordinator will send renewal notices prior to the renewal date, and renewals can be made by selecting your membership level below, and clicking on the “Pay Now” button.

Member options
Select eJournal format


The Ibn ‘Arabi Society in the United States is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the State of California. The Society is wholly supported by its membership, and by the generosity of all those who support its goals in making known the works of Ibn ‘Arabi, and promoting the various ways in which this can happen – namely through our Symposia, the publishing of the Society bi-annual Journals, our podcasts of Symposia presentations, and by promoting dialog within the community of translators, academics, researchers, and lovers of Ibn ‘Arabi.

The organizers and helpers of the Society are all volunteers who draw no salary. Your support and generosity is essential to help further the aims and goals of the Society. As a non-profit organization, your contribution not only helps underwrite the activities of the Society, but of course it is also tax-deductible.

You can make a donation online using Paypal, or by writing a check and mailing it to the Society.


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